Sometime in 2014 i wrote a piece on love, in case you missed it CLICK HERE. On today's edition of Love story, am thinking where is Love in today's relationships and marriages?
I was speaking to a friend who was about to get married then, we spoke a lot and i eventually asked her but you Love him? And she answered by saying Love, that there is love only at the beginning of the relationship once you get married no love. So at this point I was surprised at her response i tried to counter her but she became defensive.
Love is lost in relationships and is seem there is no solution of any sort. Women and ladies are rushing into relationships only with one vision to get the ring and the men coming into relationships because they are too old to be single. Certainly, my description is not for all marriages and relationships. But in a country where we have the highest number of women cheating then i think we have only 20% of Love guided relationships. Continue...
Who is to Blame.
I cannot blame anyone for lack of love in relationship. If i blame the Men they will come for me and call me a hater and if i call out the women an acid may land on me, I still love my face. But i do blame someone, i blame you. I mean you reading this. Why?
So many problems no solutions. We need to start understanding the concept of love . if we do not understand a thing we will not be able to allow it into our life. And the kind of Love you understand is the kind of relationship you have. Our relationships can be guided in Love if we understand the concept of Love. If we can begin to re-evaluate on why we engage in these many relationships. We are in relationships for the wrong reasons and with wrong motive.
If our relationships are not love based at a point in time you will find that you are just living a dutiful life. There will be nothing go on, you will only be fulfilling duties of cooking, washing, caretaker and sex giver; and there will be no spark in the marriage you dreamed of.
To answer the Why I blame you? because you have refused to apologize to her for the wrong words you said. Because you married him because he was rich now he is poor. I blame you because you beat her up. I blame you because you let your friend tell you how to treat your man. I blame you because you don't give her time nor listen to her, because you don't know his moods despite living with him for 5years. I blame you because you disrespect him because you think you earn more, I blame you because you mistreat her before your friends.This is the reason why i blame you.
There is no straight solution on bringing back love into failed relationships or growing ones but it is possible. Like someone commented in the last topic, Love is real and worth your time, only express it rightly.
And this topic is untitled because no title seemed perfect.
Share your thoughts with your comments. I do appreciate it. Bring in topics to write on too. Thanks
Nice article I must say... but what's the way forward. Abeg, where u get ur data from as regard the cheating rate of women to men
ReplyDelete@Anonymous, the data was release early January by an online media in the US. for the way forward hmmm maybe I will do some little writing on that soon. Thank u for ur comment.