Paper dream is about a couple who wanted to have kids but could not have one and all their friends had kids. The wife desperately wanted a child, so they opted for adoption but the wife wanted a newborn baby so they needed a birth mother and they got one. Somehow along the way after they had prepared for the arrival of the baby, the birth mother decided to abort the child and the couple lost that chance. The woman was so frustrated and she told her husband she would stop going to church, the husband closed his bible and asked why. She said she couldn't pretend any more that she wants a child more than anything in the world and the husband said that is the problem. The husband further told her, "when I met you for the first time, you didn't care about anything else, you loved God more than everything else and you were free", she was touched by those words. That night her sister who had three kids lost her hubby to an accident. She was hurt by what happened to her sister but above all she learnt to appreciate what she had.
Am so sorry that my story is Long but the question is what do you Love more than God? What do you want so bad that you will want to give up God to show your spite?
Christ is supreme, we can not afford to share his love with anything else. Imagine when you see your spouse with the opposite sex, you feel jealous. Imagine how God feels when we devout no time to him and all time to chase money, marriage, or children, he is not happy.
When we put him at the center of our life everything will work for our Good.
In this week, learn to Love God more than everything else. If that contract will be yours it will be if not let the will of the most high be done.
Have a lovely week
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