Tuesday 1 October 2013



Nigeria@53, we are definitely as old as the promises
of our leaders. Yet still, we are grateful to the Almighty God for sparing
our lives till this very day. And it is a work free day, so there is
alot of celebration and parties especially for our children. But the big question is
WHAT ARE WE REALLY CELEBRATING @53? Is it for a good life?
Or Successful academic session? Winning the Africans nations cup?
Or is it the unending Boko Haram crises? or your new promotion?
Just let us know what you are celebrating and what Nigeria is celebrating.
HAPPY INDEPENDENCE, again......R101.


  1. we re celebrating freedom

  2. Well, as for mi, i give glory to Almighty God 4 a new mnth, dat's all i'm celebratin. As 4 d independence, we re supposed 2 burn our national flag in melancholy nd disgrace as we av nafing 2 show since our existence as a nation. For d beggars on our highways nd alleyways, 2dai is lyk any oda day 4 dem.....GOD IS D ONLY ONE SUSTAINING US IN DIS COUNTRY NT D PUPPET WE HV AS A PRESIDENT.

  3. We are celebrating life, hope and freedom.


Do leave your comments in the comment section. Your views are important. Thanks