Saturday 13 December 2014

Word For Today

Life can only be beautiful as you paint it-How? Paint how you envision your life in your mind, how you want to look like, what you tend to achieve in life. Feel the beauty of life from your heart and mind. Most of the physical things that take place in our lives are the things we have felt in our heart. If you feel and paint positive thoughts you will get it vise-a-vise. A beautiful life is built by prayer, sacrifice, patience and Love. The Good book says "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he". And a famous philosopher said"I think therefore I am".
Life is only as beautiful as you paint it through your thinking. Think positive, experience the beauty of life in your heart and they will manifest to the physical. Norman said Change your thoughts and you change your world.
Make your life beautiful by saying the right words and creating the right thoughts. Think Positive!!!

1 comment:

  1. I fault the fact that u chose to subbstitute the Bible as The Good Book cos there are many good boos.
    All, you've written well. Life is Awesome.
    He that has Jesus has Life.


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