The Liberia's chief medical officer is placing herself under quarantine for 21 days after her office assistant died of Ebola and has also order her medical staff to do the same.
Dr Bernice Dahn, a deputy health minister has no signs of Ebola but she wants to ensure she is not infected and will not infect others. The 21 days quarantine incubation period is the stipulated no of days by the World Health organisation for Ebola.
Liberia's government has asked people to keep themselves isolated for 21 days if they think they have been exposed. The unprecedented scale of the outbreak, however, has made it difficult to trace the contacts of victims and quarantine those who might be at risk.
"Of course we made the rule, so I am home for 21 days," Dahn said Saturday. "I did it on my own. I told my office staff to stay at home for the 21 days. That's what we need to do."
According to LA Times, Liberia has had nearly 2,400 confirmed or probable cases of the Ebola virus, plus more than 1,000 suspected cases. Cases continue to increase exponentially, with 150 reported in the last two days.
Liberia is among three West African countries, along with Sierra Leone and Guinea, that have had more than 3,000 deaths confirmed or suspected to be from Ebola. More than 6,000 people have been infected in the biggest outbreak of the disease in history.