The Heart part 1
Above is the word for today. I pray that our hearts will always be open to love, quick to forgive no matter the hurt and that the slide of our hand touch will melt away the tears of people around us.
Let your heart be not Like the the glasses that when it is shattered cannot be mended and when mended the (glued)scares remain, let it not be like the wood when it is broken and mended the piercing of the nails remain to hurt the next man, your heart is no paper that can be torn by the mere touch of a match stick, it should neither be hardened like the metal that cannot be broken nor moved by love.
Let your heart be deep and pure as the Oceans. Deep so that when the the glass, the wood, the paper falls into it, it disappears deep down, rusts,decays yet the surface of the oceans is pure still. And when the iron rod falls into your heart ocean, you take it and throw it away, no grudges. An Oceanic Heart can not be torn nor broken, but only separated which no man has done since the time of Moses.
Let your Ocean heart not be bitter to dig up rusted and decayed particles to the surface of the ocean to spite the fisherman because you not only spite them but yourself.
Let the heart be pure and deep without grudge, don't let the heart be pure and deep and dig up the rusty-dirt that are years gone.
When the heart is indeed truly pure the touch of the heart will be felt by the helms of earth and the realms of heavens. you. Let your heart be immersed in love and Eschew no evil thought.
Let this mind that was in Christ be in you.
I leave you with this, Guard your hearts from them are the greatest evil conceived.
Have a Fine day Lovelies.
This is the best in recent times
ReplyDeleteThank You Jimoh for the acknowledgement... more to come. Thanks