Our heart should be full of patience. Patience is not just waiting, but waiting with the right attitude. it is those little drop of rain that makes a river and makes the plant and flowers to blossom. Do you know how the plants and flowers patiently wait for raining season each year just so they bear fruits? It is true that the farmer waters them but the rain are showers of blessing for them.
If we can wait like the plants wait each year to get that rain, we will gain more. Not just waiting but having the right attitude to wait.
while we wait for that million dollar job, what are you doing to keep busy? while you wait for the miraculous breakthrough at work how have you improved yourself.
And maybe you have waited for so long just the one drop to fill up your heart and you take that wrong turn, you will have to start again. Don't be in a hurry the miracles are coming through by your every drop of patience you exhibit gladly.
Be full of patience in Every way.
Hey people I have missed so much but I am still here. I will Miss a little more but please stay with me. Thank You.
have a Lovely day.
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