January 3rd, 2015, the deadly book haram group attacked and killed both men and women in a North-eastern state in Nigeria.
The people of Baga were murdered in cold blood, resulting to thousands of people being killed though the Spokes person for the Nigerian Military said it is only 150 people who were killed.
it is disturbing that the incident at Baga was unreported by the Nigeria media, Africa and International media. There has been no credible report by the Nigeria media about the events that took place in Baga , no follow-up, no leads. The Charlie Hebdo Incident which happened in the latter attracted more concern and empathy than the Baga Incident. And there is a huge shift in the reportage of this two stories both by the local and international media. And it feels as if the Lives of the men and women who died in Baga did not count for something. #IamBaga#IamNigeria.
It is said that our very own people feel we complain a lot when we talk about lives lost in the North. They are humans despite their religion and status. And it could have been anyone of us in whether in Lagos, Abuja, Benin, where ever. We should not make it seem as if it doesn't matter because we are not affected yet. When we ignore their existence they are strengthened to fight the more. The terrorist is our common enemy. Boko Haram is the enemy not the Northerners or the Muslims but Boko Haram. #IamBaga#IamNigeria.
Let their be Vocal condemnation of their acts by all Nigerians. Let us be united by their intention to disunite us. Nobody will speak about our problems. We are the ones to speak about them and solve them. Let the world hear our voice against the violence brought on us. Our leaders need to condemn and act out to stop the destruction of lives and properties. Our weapon is our united voice and the strengthen of the social media.
The lives of the people in Baga counts for something. The life of every Nigerian is important. #IamBaga#IamNigeria.

PHOTOS: Amnesty Nigeria( shows pictures of attacked area in Baga)
CASAULTIES: about 3,500 people dead
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