Samra Kesinovic and Sabina Seliovic are two teenage girls who left their home in Austria to join the ISIS group in Syria early this year.
According to Elite daily, When Samra Kesinovic and Sabina Seliovic left their homes in Austria, they told their families not to look for them. But now, both girls are regretting their decision to join ISIS in Syria.
Though Samra is 17 and Sabina is only 15, both are married to Chechen militants and both are pregnant.
And they’re stuck. Their images are all over the Islamic extremist group’s social media accounts, so for the girls to leave the organization would be extremely difficult, as they’re highly recognizable. Authorities say that ISIS is using the two as propaganda, depicting them as the poster girls for jihad.
They can’t get away.
On top of that, communicating with anyone outside of ISIS is complicated. Though they managed to contact their families, both fear leaving the terrorist organization because the public now associates them with ISIS.
Austrian Interior Ministry spokesman Karl-Heinz Grundboeck confirms the girls’ fears, stating,
The main problem is about people coming back to Austria. Once they leave, it is almost impossible [to return].
Currently, both girls are allegedly living in Raqqa, an ISIS-controlled city in northern Syria.
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wat a shame....they were xo enthusiastic abt joinin d ISIS bt nw dey re terrified. luk b4 u leap, dey were nt jst thinking wen they took the decision