The names of the 298 passengers and crew members on board the Boeing 777 that was shot down in eastern Ukraine on Thursday has been released.
The list of passengers is organized alphabetically by last name and lists each passenger's name, nationality and gender.
1 Alder/John Mr United Kingdom M
2 Allen/Christopher Mr Netherlands M
3 Allen/Ian Mstr Netherlands M
4 Allen/John Mr United Kingdom M
5 Allen/Julian Mr Netherlands M
6 Anderson/Stephen Leslie Mr United Kingdom M
7 Anghel/Andre Mr Canada M
8 Anthonysamy/Mabel Ms Malaysia F
9 Avnon/Ithamar Mr Netherlands M
10 Ayley/Robert Mr United Kingdom M
11 Baay/Joyce Mrs Netherlands F
12 Baker/Theresa Mrs Australia F
13 Baker/Wayne Mr Australia M
14 Bakker/Willem Mr Netherlands M
15 Bats/Rowen Mr Netherlands M
16 Bell/Emma Miss Australia F
17 Binda/Natashja Mrs Netherlands F
18 Bintambi/Muhammad Afruz Mr Malaysia M
19 Bintambi/Muhammad Afzal Mr Malaysia M
20 Bintitambi/Marsha Azmeena Ms Malaysia F
21 Borgsteede/Helen Ms Netherlands F
22 Bras/Catharina Mrs Netherlands F
23 Broghammer/Wilhelminalouise Mrs German F
24 Brouwer/Therese Mrs Netherlands F
25 Brouwers/Elisabeth Mrs Netherlands F
26 Camfferman/Anton Mr Netherlands M
27 Chardome/Benoit Mr Belgium M
28 Clancy/Carol Mrs Australia F
29 Clancy/Michael Mr Australia M
30 Crolla/Regis Mr Netherlands M
31 Cuijpers/Edith Mrs Netherlands F
32 Dalstra/Auke Mr Netherlands M
33 Dalziel/Cameron Mr United Kingdom M
34 Dang/Minhchau Mrs Netherlands F
35 Dang/Quocduy Mr Netherlands M
36 Davison/Francesca Mrs Australia F
37 Davison/Liam Mr Australia M
38 Deborst/Elsemiek Mrs Netherlands F
39 Debruin/Barbaramaria Mrs Netherlands F
40 Dehaan/Johanna Mrs Netherlands F
41 Dejong/Annetje Mrs Netherlands F
42 Dekuijer/Pim Wilhelm Mr Netherlands M
43 Deleeuw/Saskia Mrs Netherlands F
44 Derden/Liliane Ms Australia F
45 Deridder/Esther Mrs Netherlands F
46 Deroo/Joopalbert Mr Netherlands M
47 Desadeleer/Christiene Mrs Netherlands F
48 Deschutter/Mariaadriana Mrs Netherlands F
49 Devos/Maarten Mr Netherlands M
50 Devries/Aafke Mrs Netherlands F
51 Dewa/Shaliza Zaini Ms Malaysia F
52 Dewaal/Esther Mrs Netherlands F
53 Djodikromo/Donny Toekiran Mr Netherlands M
54 Dyczynski/Fatima Miss German F
55 Engels/Lisanne Laura Miss Netherlands F
56 Ernst/Tamara Ms Netherlands F
57 Essers/Emma Mrs Netherlands F
58 Essers/Peter Mr Netherlands M
59 Essers/Valentijn Mr Netherlands M
60 Fan/Shun Po Mr Netherlands M
61 Foo/Ming Lee Mr Malaysia M
62 Fredriksz/Bryce Mr Netherlands M
63 Gazalee/Ariza Binti Ms Malaysia F
64 Gianotten/Angelique Mrs Netherlands F
65 Goes/Kaelamayajay Mstr Malaysia M
66 Goes/Paul Mr Netherlands M
67 Grippeling/Marco Mr Netherlands M
68 Grootscholten/Wilhelmus Mr Netherlands M
69 Guard/Jillhelen Mrs Australia F
70 Guard/Roger Watson Dr Australia M
71 Gunawan/Darryl Mr Philippines M
72 Gunawan/Hadiono Mr Indonesia M
73 Gunawan/Irene Mrs Philippines F
74 Gunawan/Sherryl Ms Philippines F
75 Hakse/Annemieke Mrs Netherlands F
76 Hally/Davy Joseph Gerardus Ma Netherlands M
77 Hally/Megan Netherlands F
78 Hastini/Yuli Mrs Indonesia F
79 Heemskerk/Geertruida Mrs Netherlands F
80 Heerkens/Lidwina Mrs Netherlands F
81 Hemelrijk/Robin Mr Netherlands M
82 Hendry/Mr Indonesia M
83 Hijmans/Susan Mrs Netherlands F
84 Hoare/Andrew Mr United Kingdom M
85 Hoare/Friso Mr Netherlands M
86 Hoare/Jasper Mr Netherlands M
87 Hoonakker/Katharina Mrs Netherlands F
88 Horder/Howard Mr Australia M
89 Horder/Susan Mrs Australia F
90 Hornikx/Astrid Mrs Netherlands F
91 Huijbers/Pieter Jan Willem Netherlands M
92 Huizen/Arnoud Mr Netherlands M
93 Huizen/Yelena/Clarice Mstr Indonesia F
94 Huntjens/Maria Mrs Netherlands F
95 Ioppa/Olga Mrs German F
96 Janssen/Cornelia Mrs Netherlands F
97 Jesurun/Kevin Mr Netherlands M
98 Jhinkoe/Rishi Mr Netherlands M
99 Jiee/Tambi Bin Mr Malaysia M
100 Jretnam/Subashni Mrs Malaysia F
101 Kamsma/Mattheus Mr Netherlands M
102 Kamsma/Qiu Mstr Netherlands M
103 Kappen/Yvonne Mrs Netherlands F
104 Kardia/Vickiline Kurniati Mrs Indonesia F
105 Karnailsingh/Karamjitsingh Mr Malaysia M
106 Keijzer/Karlijn Mrs Netherlands F
107 Kooijmans/Barry Mr Netherlands M
108 Kooijmans/Isa Miss Netherlands F
109 Kooijmans/Mira Mrs Netherlands F
110 Kotte/Oscar Mr Netherlands M
111 Kotte/Remco Mr Netherlands M
112 Kroon/Hendrikrokus Mr Netherlands M
113 Lahaye/Johannes Mr Netherlands M
114 Lahenda/Gerda Leliana Ms Indonesia F
115 Lambregts/Hubertus Mr Netherlands M
116 Lange/Joseph Mr Netherlands M
117 Lauschet/Gabriele Ms German F
118 Lee/Jianhanbenjamin Mstr Malaysia M
119 Lee/Kiah Yeen Ms Malaysia F
120 Lee/Mona Cheng Sim Mrs Australia F
121 Lee/Why Keong Mr Australia M
122 Liew/Yau Chee Mr Malaysia M
123 Loh/Yanhwa Mrs Netherlands F
124 Maas/Henricus Mr Netherlands M
125 Mahady/Edel Mrs Australia F
126 Mahler/Emiel Mr Netherlands M
127 Marckelbach/Lisa Mrs Netherlands F
128 Martens/Elizabeth Mrs Netherlands F
129 Martens/Sandra Mrs Netherlands F
130 Maslin/Evie Coco Anne Miss Australia F
131 Maslin/Mo Robert Anderson Mr Australia M
132 Maslin/Otis Samuel Frederick Mstr Australia M
133 Mastenbroek/Tina Pauline Mrs Netherlands F
134 Mayne/Richard Mr United Kingdom M
135 Mdsalim/Mohdalibin Mr Malaysia M
136 Meijer/Ingrid Mrs Netherlands F
137 Meijer/Sascha Mrs Netherlands F
138 Menke/Gerardus Mr Netherlands M
139 Menke/Mary Mrs New Zealand F
140 Meuleman/Hannah Sophia Netherlands F
141 Misran/Anelene Rostijem Ms Netherlands F
142 Moors/Augustinus Mr Netherlands M
143 Mula/Melinganak Malaysia M
144 Nelissen/Johanna Mrs Netherlands F
145 Ng/Lyetielisabeth Ms Malaysia F
146 Ng/Qingzheng Mr Malaysia M
147 Ng/Shiing Mrs Malaysia F
148 Nguyen/Ngocminh Mrs Netherlands F
149 Nieburg/Tim Mr Netherlands M
150 Nieveen/Dafne Mrs Netherlands F
151 Niewold/Tallanderfranciscus Mr Netherlands M
152 Noor/Rahimmah Mrs Malaysia F
153 Noreilde/Jan Mr Belgium M
154 Noreilde/Steven Mr Belgium M
155 Norris/Nicoll Charles Anderson Mr Australia M
156 Nuesink/Jolette Mrs Netherlands F
157 Obrien/Jack Samuel Mr Australia M
158 Oehlers/Daisy Mrs Netherlands F
159 Oreshkin/Victor Mr Australia M
160 Ottochian/Julian Mstr Netherlands M
161 Ottochian/Sergio Mr Netherlands M
162 Palm/Lubberta Mrs Netherlands F
163 Panduwinata/Miguel G Mstr Netherlands M
164 Panduwinata/Shaka T Mr Netherlands M
165 Parlan/Hasni Hardi Bin Mr Malaysia M
166 Paulissen/Johnny Mr Netherlands M
167 Paulissen/Martin Mr Netherlands M
168 Paulissen/Sri Miss Netherlands F
169 Pijnenburg/Sjors Adrianus Mr Netherlands M
170 Ploeg/Alex Mr Netherlands M
171 Ploeg/Robert Mr Netherlands M
172 Pocock/Benjamin Mr United Kingdom M
173 Punjabi/Kaushalya Jairamdas Datin Malaysia F
174 Raap/Hielkje Ms Netherlands F
175 Renkers/Jeroen Mr Netherlands M
176 Renkers/Tim Mr Netherlands M
177 Risah/Daisy Mrs Netherlands F
178 Rizk/Albert Mr Australia M
179 Rizk/Maree Mrs Australia F
180 Ruijter/Catharina Mrs Netherlands F
181 Ryder/Arjen Mr Australia M
182 Ryder/Yvonne Mrs Australia F
183 Schansman/Quinn Mr Netherlands M
184 Schilder/Cornelis Mr Netherlands M
185 Schuyesmans/Rik Mr Belgium M
186 Sidelik/Helena Ms Australia F
187 Sitiamirah/Bintiparawira Mrs Malaysia F
188 Sivagnanam/Matthew Ezekial Master Malaysia M
189 Sivagnanam/Paul Rajasingam Mr Malaysia M
190 Slok/Gary Mr Netherlands M
191 Smallenburg/Carlijn Mrs Netherlands F
192 Smallenburg/Charles Mr Netherlands M
193 Smallenburg/Werther Mstr Netherlands M
194 Smolders/Maria Mrs Netherlands F
195 Soetjipto/Jane M Adi Mrs Indonesia F
196 Souren/Peter Mr Netherlands M
197 Specken/Reinmar Mr Netherlands M
198 Stuiver/Cornelia Mrs Netherlands F
199 Sujana/Wayan Mr Indonesia M
200 Supartini/Mrs Indonesia F
201 Sweeney/Liam Mr United Kingdom M
202 Tambi/Muhammad Afif Bin Mr Malaysia M
203 Tamtelahitu/Charleselizadavid Mr Netherlands M
204 Tan/Siew Poh Mdm Malaysia F
205 Teoh/Elaine Miss Malaysia F
206 Theistiasih/Yodricunda Mrs Indonesia F
207 Thomas/Glennraymond Mr United Kingdom M
208 Tiernan/Mary Ms Australia F
209 Timmers/Gerardus Mr Netherlands M
210 Tol/Cornelia Mrs Netherlands F
211 Tournier/Hendrikjan Mr Netherlands M
212 Trugg/Liv Miss Netherlands F
213 Trugg/Remco Mr Netherlands M
214 Trugg/Tess Miss Netherlands F
215 Uijterlinde/Thamsanqa Mr Netherlands M
216 Vandekraats/Lorenzo Mr Netherlands M
217 Vandekraats/Robertjan Mr Netherlands M
218 Vandemortel/Jeroen Mr Netherlands M
219 Vandemortel/Milia Miss Netherlands F
220 Vandenhende/Johannes Rudolfus Mr Netherlands M
221 Vandenhende/Margaux Larissa Mstr Netherlands F
222 Vandenhende/Marnix Reduan Mr Netherlands M
223 Vandenhende/Piers Adnan Mr Netherlands M
224 Vandenschoor/Christina Anna Elisa Ms Netherlands F
225 Vandergraaff/Laurens Mr Netherlands M
226 Vanderleij/Jennifer Mrs Netherlands F
227 Vanderlinde/Mark Mr Netherlands M
228 Vanderlinde/Merel Mrs Netherlands F
229 Vanderlinde/Robert Mr Netherlands M
230 Vandermeer/Bente Miss Netherlands F
231 Vandermeer/Fleur Miss Netherlands F
232 Vandermeer/Sophie Mrs NetheThe list of passengers is organized alphabetically by last name and lists each passenger's name, nationality and gender.
1 Alder/John Mr United Kingdom M
2 Allen/Christopher Mr Netherlands M
3 Allen/Ian Mstr Netherlands M
4 Allen/John Mr United Kingdom M
5 Allen/Julian Mr Netherlands M
6 Anderson/Stephen Leslie Mr United Kingdom M
7 Anghel/Andre Mr Canada M
8 Anthonysamy/Mabel Ms Malaysia F
9 Avnon/Ithamar Mr Netherlands M
10 Ayley/Robert Mr United Kingdom M
11 Baay/Joyce Mrs Netherlands F
12 Baker/Theresa Mrs Australia F
13 Baker/Wayne Mr Australia M
14 Bakker/Willem Mr Netherlands M
15 Bats/Rowen Mr Netherlands M
16 Bell/Emma Miss Australia F
17 Binda/Natashja Mrs Netherlands F
18 Bintambi/Muhammad Afruz Mr Malaysia M
19 Bintambi/Muhammad Afzal Mr Malaysia M
20 Bintitambi/Marsha Azmeena Ms Malaysia F
21 Borgsteede/Helen Ms Netherlands F
22 Bras/Catharina Mrs Netherlands F
23 Broghammer/Wilhelminalouise Mrs German F
24 Brouwer/Therese Mrs Netherlands F
25 Brouwers/Elisabeth Mrs Netherlands F
26 Camfferman/Anton Mr Netherlands M
27 Chardome/Benoit Mr Belgium M
28 Clancy/Carol Mrs Australia F
29 Clancy/Michael Mr Australia M
30 Crolla/Regis Mr Netherlands M
31 Cuijpers/Edith Mrs Netherlands F
32 Dalstra/Auke Mr Netherlands M
33 Dalziel/Cameron Mr United Kingdom M
34 Dang/Minhchau Mrs Netherlands F
35 Dang/Quocduy Mr Netherlands M
36 Davison/Francesca Mrs Australia F
37 Davison/Liam Mr Australia M
38 Deborst/Elsemiek Mrs Netherlands F
39 Debruin/Barbaramaria Mrs Netherlands F
40 Dehaan/Johanna Mrs Netherlands F
41 Dejong/Annetje Mrs Netherlands F
42 Dekuijer/Pim Wilhelm Mr Netherlands M
43 Deleeuw/Saskia Mrs Netherlands F
44 Derden/Liliane Ms Australia F
45 Deridder/Esther Mrs Netherlands F
46 Deroo/Joopalbert Mr Netherlands M
47 Desadeleer/Christiene Mrs Netherlands F
48 Deschutter/Mariaadriana Mrs Netherlands F
49 Devos/Maarten Mr Netherlands M
50 Devries/Aafke Mrs Netherlands F
51 Dewa/Shaliza Zaini Ms Malaysia F
52 Dewaal/Esther Mrs Netherlands F
53 Djodikromo/Donny Toekiran Mr Netherlands M
54 Dyczynski/Fatima Miss German F
55 Engels/Lisanne Laura Miss Netherlands F
56 Ernst/Tamara Ms Netherlands F
57 Essers/Emma Mrs Netherlands F
58 Essers/Peter Mr Netherlands M
59 Essers/Valentijn Mr Netherlands M
60 Fan/Shun Po Mr Netherlands M
61 Foo/Ming Lee Mr Malaysia M
62 Fredriksz/Bryce Mr Netherlands M
63 Gazalee/Ariza Binti Ms Malaysia F
64 Gianotten/Angelique Mrs Netherlands F
65 Goes/Kaelamayajay Mstr Malaysia M
66 Goes/Paul Mr Netherlands M
67 Grippeling/Marco Mr Netherlands M
68 Grootscholten/Wilhelmus Mr Netherlands M
69 Guard/Jillhelen Mrs Australia F
70 Guard/Roger Watson Dr Australia M
71 Gunawan/Darryl Mr Philippines M
72 Gunawan/Hadiono Mr Indonesia M
73 Gunawan/Irene Mrs Philippines F
74 Gunawan/Sherryl Ms Philippines F
75 Hakse/Annemieke Mrs Netherlands F
76 Hally/Davy Joseph Gerardus Ma Netherlands M
77 Hally/Megan Netherlands F
78 Hastini/Yuli Mrs Indonesia F
79 Heemskerk/Geertruida Mrs Netherlands F
80 Heerkens/Lidwina Mrs Netherlands F
81 Hemelrijk/Robin Mr Netherlands M
82 Hendry/Mr Indonesia M
83 Hijmans/Susan Mrs Netherlands F
84 Hoare/Andrew Mr United Kingdom M
85 Hoare/Friso Mr Netherlands M
86 Hoare/Jasper Mr Netherlands M
87 Hoonakker/Katharina Mrs Netherlands F
88 Horder/Howard Mr Australia M
89 Horder/Susan Mrs Australia F
90 Hornikx/Astrid Mrs Netherlands F
91 Huijbers/Pieter Jan Willem Netherlands M
92 Huizen/Arnoud Mr Netherlands M
93 Huizen/Yelena/Clarice Mstr Indonesia F
94 Huntjens/Maria Mrs Netherlands F
95 Ioppa/Olga Mrs German F
96 Janssen/Cornelia Mrs Netherlands F
97 Jesurun/Kevin Mr Netherlands M
98 Jhinkoe/Rishi Mr Netherlands M
99 Jiee/Tambi Bin Mr Malaysia M
100 Jretnam/Subashni Mrs Malaysia F
101 Kamsma/Mattheus Mr Netherlands M
102 Kamsma/Qiu Mstr Netherlands M
103 Kappen/Yvonne Mrs Netherlands F
104 Kardia/Vickiline Kurniati Mrs Indonesia F
105 Karnailsingh/Karamjitsingh Mr Malaysia M
106 Keijzer/Karlijn Mrs Netherlands F
107 Kooijmans/Barry Mr Netherlands M
108 Kooijmans/Isa Miss Netherlands F
109 Kooijmans/Mira Mrs Netherlands F
110 Kotte/Oscar Mr Netherlands M
111 Kotte/Remco Mr Netherlands M
112 Kroon/Hendrikrokus Mr Netherlands M
113 Lahaye/Johannes Mr Netherlands M
114 Lahenda/Gerda Leliana Ms Indonesia F
115 Lambregts/Hubertus Mr Netherlands M
116 Lange/Joseph Mr Netherlands M
117 Lauschet/Gabriele Ms German F
118 Lee/Jianhanbenjamin Mstr Malaysia M
119 Lee/Kiah Yeen Ms Malaysia F
120 Lee/Mona Cheng Sim Mrs Australia F
121 Lee/Why Keong Mr Australia M
122 Liew/Yau Chee Mr Malaysia M
123 Loh/Yanhwa Mrs Netherlands F
124 Maas/Henricus Mr Netherlands M
125 Mahady/Edel Mrs Australia F
126 Mahler/Emiel Mr Netherlands M
127 Marckelbach/Lisa Mrs Netherlands F
128 Martens/Elizabeth Mrs Netherlands F
129 Martens/Sandra Mrs Netherlands F
130 Maslin/Evie Coco Anne Miss Australia F
131 Maslin/Mo Robert Anderson Mr Australia M
132 Maslin/Otis Samuel Frederick Mstr Australia M
133 Mastenbroek/Tina Pauline Mrs Netherlands F
134 Mayne/Richard Mr United Kingdom M
135 Mdsalim/Mohdalibin Mr Malaysia M
136 Meijer/Ingrid Mrs Netherlands F
137 Meijer/Sascha Mrs Netherlands F
138 Menke/Gerardus Mr Netherlands M
139 Menke/Mary Mrs New Zealand F
140 Meuleman/Hannah Sophia Netherlands F
141 Misran/Anelene Rostijem Ms Netherlands F
142 Moors/Augustinus Mr Netherlands M
143 Mula/Melinganak Malaysia M
144 Nelissen/Johanna Mrs Netherlands F
145 Ng/Lyetielisabeth Ms Malaysia F
146 Ng/Qingzheng Mr Malaysia M
147 Ng/Shiing Mrs Malaysia F
148 Nguyen/Ngocminh Mrs Netherlands F
149 Nieburg/Tim Mr Netherlands M
150 Nieveen/Dafne Mrs Netherlands F
151 Niewold/Tallanderfranciscus Mr Netherlands M
152 Noor/Rahimmah Mrs Malaysia F
153 Noreilde/Jan Mr Belgium M
154 Noreilde/Steven Mr Belgium M
155 Norris/Nicoll Charles Anderson Mr Australia M
156 Nuesink/Jolette Mrs Netherlands F
157 Obrien/Jack Samuel Mr Australia M
158 Oehlers/Daisy Mrs Netherlands F
159 Oreshkin/Victor Mr Australia M
160 Ottochian/Julian Mstr Netherlands M
161 Ottochian/Sergio Mr Netherlands M
162 Palm/Lubberta Mrs Netherlands F
163 Panduwinata/Miguel G Mstr Netherlands M
164 Panduwinata/Shaka T Mr Netherlands M
165 Parlan/Hasni Hardi Bin Mr Malaysia M
166 Paulissen/Johnny Mr Netherlands M
167 Paulissen/Martin Mr Netherlands M
168 Paulissen/Sri Miss Netherlands F
169 Pijnenburg/Sjors Adrianus Mr Netherlands M
170 Ploeg/Alex Mr Netherlands M
171 Ploeg/Robert Mr Netherlands M
172 Pocock/Benjamin Mr United Kingdom M
173 Punjabi/Kaushalya Jairamdas Datin Malaysia F
174 Raap/Hielkje Ms Netherlands F
175 Renkers/Jeroen Mr Netherlands M
176 Renkers/Tim Mr Netherlands M
177 Risah/Daisy Mrs Netherlands F
178 Rizk/Albert Mr Australia M
179 Rizk/Maree Mrs Australia F
180 Ruijter/Catharina Mrs Netherlands F
181 Ryder/Arjen Mr Australia M
182 Ryder/Yvonne Mrs Australia F
183 Schansman/Quinn Mr Netherlands M
184 Schilder/Cornelis Mr Netherlands M
185 Schuyesmans/Rik Mr Belgium M
186 Sidelik/Helena Ms Australia F
187 Sitiamirah/Bintiparawira Mrs Malaysia F
188 Sivagnanam/Matthew Ezekial Master Malaysia M
189 Sivagnanam/Paul Rajasingam Mr Malaysia M
190 Slok/Gary Mr Netherlands M
191 Smallenburg/Carlijn Mrs Netherlands F
192 Smallenburg/Charles Mr Netherlands M
193 Smallenburg/Werther Mstr Netherlands M
194 Smolders/Maria Mrs Netherlands F
195 Soetjipto/Jane M Adi Mrs Indonesia F
196 Souren/Peter Mr Netherlands M
197 Specken/Reinmar Mr Netherlands M
198 Stuiver/Cornelia Mrs Netherlands F
199 Sujana/Wayan Mr Indonesia M
200 Supartini/Mrs Indonesia F
201 Sweeney/Liam Mr United Kingdom M
202 Tambi/Muhammad Afif Bin Mr Malaysia M
203 Tamtelahitu/Charleselizadavid Mr Netherlands M
204 Tan/Siew Poh Mdm Malaysia F
205 Teoh/Elaine Miss Malaysia F
206 Theistiasih/Yodricunda Mrs Indonesia F
207 Thomas/Glennraymond Mr United Kingdom M
208 Tiernan/Mary Ms Australia F
209 Timmers/Gerardus Mr Netherlands M
210 Tol/Cornelia Mrs Netherlands F
211 Tournier/Hendrikjan Mr Netherlands M
212 Trugg/Liv Miss Netherlands F
213 Trugg/Remco Mr Netherlands M
214 Trugg/Tess Miss Netherlands F
215 Uijterlinde/Thamsanqa Mr Netherlands M
216 Vandekraats/Lorenzo Mr Netherlands M
217 Vandekraats/Robertjan Mr Netherlands M
218 Vandemortel/Jeroen Mr Netherlands M
219 Vandemortel/Milia Miss Netherlands F
220 Vandenhende/Johannes Rudolfus Mr Netherlands M
221 Vandenhende/Margaux Larissa Mstr Netherlands F
222 Vandenhende/Marnix Reduan Mr Netherlands M
223 Vandenhende/Piers Adnan Mr Netherlands M
224 Vandenschoor/Christina Anna Elisa Ms Netherlands F
225 Vandergraaff/Laurens Mr Netherlands M
226 Vanderleij/Jennifer Mrs Netherlands F
227 Vanderlinde/Mark Mr Netherlands M
228 Vanderlinde/Merel Mrs Netherlands F
229 Vanderlinde/Robert Mr Netherlands M
230 Vandermeer/Bente Miss Netherlands F
231 Vandermeer/Fleur Miss Netherlands F
232 Vandermeer/Sophie Mrs Netherlands F
233 Vanderpoel/Ericus Mr Netherlands M
234 Vandersande/Paulus Mr Netherlands M
235 Vandersande/Steven Mr Netherlands M
236 Vandersande/Tessa Mrs Netherlands F
237 Vandersar/Inge Mrs Netherlands F
238 Vandersteen/Jan Mr Netherlands M
239 Vanderweide/Frank Mr Netherlands M
240 Vandoorn/April Mrs Netherlands F
241 Vandoorn/Caroline Mrs Netherlands F
242 Vanduijn/Gijsbert Mr Netherlands M
243 Vaneldijk/Petronella Mrs Netherlands F
244 Vangeene/Rene Mr Netherlands M
245 Vanheijningen/Erik Peter Mr Netherlands M
246 Vanheijningen/Zeger Leonard Mr Netherlands M
247 Vankeulen/Allard Mr Netherlands M
248 Vankeulen/Jeroen Mr Netherlands M
249 Vankeulen/Robert Mr Netherlands M
250 Vanlangeveld/Petra Mrs Netherlands F
251 Vanluik/Klaas Willem Mr Netherlands M
252 Vanmens/Luciepaulamaria Ms Netherlands F
253 Vanmuijlwijk/Adinda Larasati Putri Ms Netherlands F
254 Vanmuijlwijk/Emile Mr Netherlands M
255 Vannielen/Stefan F W Mr Netherlands M
256 Vantongeren/Jacqueline Mrs Netherlands F
257 Vanveldhuizen/Anthonius Mr Netherlands M
258 Vanveldhuizen/Pijke Mstr Netherlands M
259 Vanveldhuizen/Quint Mstr Netherlands M
260 Vanvreeswijk/Huub Mr Netherlands M
261 Vanwiggen/Winneke Mrs Netherlands F
262 Vanzijtveld/Frederique Mrs Netherlands F
263 Vanzijtveld/Robertjan Mr Netherlands M
264 Verhaegh/Kim Elisa Petronella Netherlands F
265 Vermeulen/Marie Mrs Netherlands F
266 Vleesenbeek/Erik Mr Netherlands M
267 Voorham/Cornelia Mrs Netherlands F
268 Vorsselman/Wouter Mr Netherlands M
269 Vranckx/Eline Mrs Netherlands F
270 Wagemans/Hendrik Mr Netherlands M
271 Wals/Amel Mrs Netherlands F
272 Wals/Brett Mr Netherlands M
273 Wals/Jeroen Mr Netherlands M
274 Wals/Jinte Mrs Netherlands F
275 Wals/Solenn Miss Netherlands F
276 Wels/Leonardus Mr Netherlands M
277 Wels/Sem Mstr Netherlands M
278 Westerveld/Ineke Mrs Netherlands F
279 Wiartini/Ketut Mrs Indonesia F
280 Witteveen/Marit Mrs Netherlands F
281 Witteveen/Willem Mr Netherlands M
282 Yuriani/Ninik Mrs Indonesia F
283 Zantkuijl/Desiree Mrs Netherlands F
The list of crewmembers is organized by rank and lists each crewmember's name, nationality and gender.
1 Captain Wan Amran Bin Wan Hussin Malaysia M
2 Captain Eugene Choo Jin Leong Malaysia M
3 First Officer Ahmad Hakimi Bin Hanapi Malaysia M
4 First Officer Muhamad Firdaus Bin Abdul Rahim Malaysia M
5 In-Flight Supervisor Mohd Ghafar Bin Abu Bakar Malaysia M
6 Chief Stewardess Dora Shahila Binti Kassim Malaysia F
7 Chief Stewardess Azrina Binti Yakob Malaysia F
8 Leading Stewardess Lee Hui Pin Malaysia F
9 Leading Stewardess Mastura Binti Mustafa Malaysia F
10 Flight Stewardess Chong Yee Pheng Malaysia F
11 Flight Steward Shaikh Mohd Noor Bin Mahmood Malaysia M
12 Flight Steward Sanjid Singh Sandhu Malaysia M
13 Flight Stewardess Hamfazlin Sham Binti Mohamedarifin Malaysia F
14 Flight Stewardess Nur Shazana Binti Mohamed Salleh Malaysia F
15 Flight Stewardess Angeline Premila Rajandaran Malaysia F
56 Ernst/Tamara Ms Netherlands F
57 Essers/Emma Mrs Netherlands F
58 Essers/Peter Mr Netherlands M
59 Essers/Valentijn Mr Netherlands M
60 Fan/Shun Po Mr Netherlands M
61 Foo/Ming Lee Mr Malaysia M
62 Fredriksz/Bryce Mr Netherlands M
63 Gazalee/Ariza Binti Ms Malaysia F
64 Gianotten/Angelique Mrs Netherlands F
65 Goes/Kaelamayajay Mstr Malaysia M
66 Goes/Paul Mr Netherlands M
67 Grippeling/Marco Mr Netherlands M
68 Grootscholten/Wilhelmus Mr Netherlands M
69 Guard/Jillhelen Mrs Australia F
70 Guard/Roger Watson Dr Australia M
71 Gunawan/Darryl Mr Philippines M
72 Gunawan/Hadiono Mr Indonesia M
73 Gunawan/Irene Mrs Philippines F
74 Gunawan/Sherryl Ms Philippines F
75 Hakse/Annemieke Mrs Netherlands F
76 Hally/Davy Joseph Gerardus Ma Netherlands M
77 Hally/Megan Netherlands F
78 Hastini/Yuli Mrs Indonesia F
79 Heemskerk/Geertruida Mrs Netherlands F
80 Heerkens/Lidwina Mrs Netherlands F
81 Hemelrijk/Robin Mr Netherlands M
82 Hendry/Mr Indonesia M
83 Hijmans/Susan Mrs Netherlands F
84 Hoare/Andrew Mr United Kingdom M
85 Hoare/Friso Mr Netherlands M
86 Hoare/Jasper Mr Netherlands M
87 Hoonakker/Katharina Mrs Netherlands F
88 Horder/Howard Mr Australia M
89 Horder/Susan Mrs Australia F
90 Hornikx/Astrid Mrs Netherlands F
91 Huijbers/Pieter Jan Willem Netherlands M
92 Huizen/Arnoud Mr Netherlands M
93 Huizen/Yelena/Clarice Mstr Indonesia F
94 Huntjens/Maria Mrs Netherlands F
95 Ioppa/Olga Mrs German F
96 Janssen/Cornelia Mrs Netherlands F
97 Jesurun/Kevin Mr Netherlands M
98 Jhinkoe/Rishi Mr Netherlands M
99 Jiee/Tambi Bin Mr Malaysia M
100 Jretnam/Subashni Mrs Malaysia F
101 Kamsma/Mattheus Mr Netherlands M
102 Kamsma/Qiu Mstr Netherlands M
103 Kappen/Yvonne Mrs Netherlands F
104 Kardia/Vickiline Kurniati Mrs Indonesia F
105 Karnailsingh/Karamjitsingh Mr Malaysia M
106 Keijzer/Karlijn Mrs Netherlands F
107 Kooijmans/Barry Mr Netherlands M
108 Kooijmans/Isa Miss Netherlands F
109 Kooijmans/Mira Mrs Netherlands F
110 Kotte/Oscar Mr Netherlands M
111 Kotte/Remco Mr Netherlands M
112 Kroon/Hendrikrokus Mr Netherlands M
113 Lahaye/Johannes Mr Netherlands M
114 Lahenda/Gerda Leliana Ms Indonesia F
115 Lambregts/Hubertus Mr Netherlands M
116 Lange/Joseph Mr Netherlands M
117 Lauschet/Gabriele Ms German F
118 Lee/Jianhanbenjamin Mstr Malaysia M
119 Lee/Kiah Yeen Ms Malaysia F
120 Lee/Mona Cheng Sim Mrs Australia F
121 Lee/Why Keong Mr Australia M
122 Liew/Yau Chee Mr Malaysia M
123 Loh/Yanhwa Mrs Netherlands F
124 Maas/Henricus Mr Netherlands M
125 Mahady/Edel Mrs Australia F
126 Mahler/Emiel Mr Netherlands M
127 Marckelbach/Lisa Mrs Netherlands F
128 Martens/Elizabeth Mrs Netherlands F
129 Martens/Sandra Mrs Netherlands F
130 Maslin/Evie Coco Anne Miss Australia F
131 Maslin/Mo Robert Anderson Mr Australia M
132 Maslin/Otis Samuel Frederick Mstr Australia M
133 Mastenbroek/Tina Pauline Mrs Netherlands F
134 Mayne/Richard Mr United Kingdom M
135 Mdsalim/Mohdalibin Mr Malaysia M
136 Meijer/Ingrid Mrs Netherlands F
137 Meijer/Sascha Mrs Netherlands F
138 Menke/Gerardus Mr Netherlands M
139 Menke/Mary Mrs New Zealand F
140 Meuleman/Hannah Sophia Netherlands F
141 Misran/Anelene Rostijem Ms Netherlands F
142 Moors/Augustinus Mr Netherlands M
143 Mula/Melinganak Malaysia M
144 Nelissen/Johanna Mrs Netherlands F
145 Ng/Lyetielisabeth Ms Malaysia F
146 Ng/Qingzheng Mr Malaysia M
147 Ng/Shiing Mrs Malaysia F
148 Nguyen/Ngocminh Mrs Netherlands F
149 Nieburg/Tim Mr Netherlands M
150 Nieveen/Dafne Mrs Netherlands F
151 Niewold/Tallanderfranciscus Mr Netherlands M
152 Noor/Rahimmah Mrs Malaysia F
153 Noreilde/Jan Mr Belgium M
154 Noreilde/Steven Mr Belgium M
155 Norris/Nicoll Charles Anderson Mr Australia M
156 Nuesink/Jolette Mrs Netherlands F
157 Obrien/Jack Samuel Mr Australia M
158 Oehlers/Daisy Mrs Netherlands F
159 Oreshkin/Victor Mr Australia M
160 Ottochian/Julian Mstr Netherlands M
161 Ottochian/Sergio Mr Netherlands M
162 Palm/Lubberta Mrs Netherlands F
163 Panduwinata/Miguel G Mstr Netherlands M
164 Panduwinata/Shaka T Mr Netherlands M
165 Parlan/Hasni Hardi Bin Mr Malaysia M
166 Paulissen/Johnny Mr Netherlands M
167 Paulissen/Martin Mr Netherlands M
168 Paulissen/Sri Miss Netherlands F
169 Pijnenburg/Sjors Adrianus Mr Netherlands M
170 Ploeg/Alex Mr Netherlands M
171 Ploeg/Robert Mr Netherlands M
172 Pocock/Benjamin Mr United Kingdom M
173 Punjabi/Kaushalya Jairamdas Datin Malaysia F
174 Raap/Hielkje Ms Netherlands F
175 Renkers/Jeroen Mr Netherlands M
176 Renkers/Tim Mr Netherlands M
177 Risah/Daisy Mrs Netherlands F
178 Rizk/Albert Mr Australia M
179 Rizk/Maree Mrs Australia F
180 Ruijter/Catharina Mrs Netherlands F
181 Ryder/Arjen Mr Australia M
182 Ryder/Yvonne Mrs Australia F
183 Schansman/Quinn Mr Netherlands M
184 Schilder/Cornelis Mr Netherlands M
185 Schuyesmans/Rik Mr Belgium M
186 Sidelik/Helena Ms Australia F
187 Sitiamirah/Bintiparawira Mrs Malaysia F
188 Sivagnanam/Matthew Ezekial Master Malaysia M
189 Sivagnanam/Paul Rajasingam Mr Malaysia M
190 Slok/Gary Mr Netherlands M
191 Smallenburg/Carlijn Mrs Netherlands F
192 Smallenburg/Charles Mr Netherlands M
193 Smallenburg/Werther Mstr Netherlands M
194 Smolders/Maria Mrs Netherlands F
195 Soetjipto/Jane M Adi Mrs Indonesia F
196 Souren/Peter Mr Netherlands M
197 Specken/Reinmar Mr Netherlands M
198 Stuiver/Cornelia Mrs Netherlands F
199 Sujana/Wayan Mr Indonesia M
200 Supartini/Mrs Indonesia F
201 Sweeney/Liam Mr United Kingdom M
202 Tambi/Muhammad Afif Bin Mr Malaysia M
203 Tamtelahitu/Charleselizadavid Mr Netherlands M
204 Tan/Siew Poh Mdm Malaysia F
205 Teoh/Elaine Miss Malaysia F
206 Theistiasih/Yodricunda Mrs Indonesia F
207 Thomas/Glennraymond Mr United Kingdom M
208 Tiernan/Mary Ms Australia F
209 Timmers/Gerardus Mr Netherlands M
210 Tol/Cornelia Mrs Netherlands F
211 Tournier/Hendrikjan Mr Netherlands M
212 Trugg/Liv Miss Netherlands F
213 Trugg/Remco Mr Netherlands M
214 Trugg/Tess Miss Netherlands F
215 Uijterlinde/Thamsanqa Mr Netherlands M
216 Vandekraats/Lorenzo Mr Netherlands M
217 Vandekraats/Robertjan Mr Netherlands M
218 Vandemortel/Jeroen Mr Netherlands M
219 Vandemortel/Milia Miss Netherlands F
220 Vandenhende/Johannes Rudolfus Mr Netherlands M
221 Vandenhende/Margaux Larissa Mstr Netherlands F
222 Vandenhende/Marnix Reduan Mr Netherlands M
223 Vandenhende/Piers Adnan Mr Netherlands M
224 Vandenschoor/Christina Anna Elisa Ms Netherlands F
225 Vandergraaff/Laurens Mr Netherlands M
226 Vanderleij/Jennifer Mrs Netherlands F
227 Vanderlinde/Mark Mr Netherlands M
228 Vanderlinde/Merel Mrs Netherlands F
229 Vanderlinde/Robert Mr Netherlands M
230 Vandermeer/Bente Miss Netherlands F
231 Vandermeer/Fleur Miss Netherlands F
232 Vandermeer/Sophie Mrs NetheThe list of passengers is organized alphabetically by last name and lists each passenger's name, nationality and gender.
1 Alder/John Mr United Kingdom M
2 Allen/Christopher Mr Netherlands M
3 Allen/Ian Mstr Netherlands M
4 Allen/John Mr United Kingdom M
5 Allen/Julian Mr Netherlands M
6 Anderson/Stephen Leslie Mr United Kingdom M
7 Anghel/Andre Mr Canada M
8 Anthonysamy/Mabel Ms Malaysia F
9 Avnon/Ithamar Mr Netherlands M
10 Ayley/Robert Mr United Kingdom M
11 Baay/Joyce Mrs Netherlands F
12 Baker/Theresa Mrs Australia F
13 Baker/Wayne Mr Australia M
14 Bakker/Willem Mr Netherlands M
15 Bats/Rowen Mr Netherlands M
16 Bell/Emma Miss Australia F
17 Binda/Natashja Mrs Netherlands F
18 Bintambi/Muhammad Afruz Mr Malaysia M
19 Bintambi/Muhammad Afzal Mr Malaysia M
20 Bintitambi/Marsha Azmeena Ms Malaysia F
21 Borgsteede/Helen Ms Netherlands F
22 Bras/Catharina Mrs Netherlands F
23 Broghammer/Wilhelminalouise Mrs German F
24 Brouwer/Therese Mrs Netherlands F
25 Brouwers/Elisabeth Mrs Netherlands F
26 Camfferman/Anton Mr Netherlands M
27 Chardome/Benoit Mr Belgium M
28 Clancy/Carol Mrs Australia F
29 Clancy/Michael Mr Australia M
30 Crolla/Regis Mr Netherlands M
31 Cuijpers/Edith Mrs Netherlands F
32 Dalstra/Auke Mr Netherlands M
33 Dalziel/Cameron Mr United Kingdom M
34 Dang/Minhchau Mrs Netherlands F
35 Dang/Quocduy Mr Netherlands M
36 Davison/Francesca Mrs Australia F
37 Davison/Liam Mr Australia M
38 Deborst/Elsemiek Mrs Netherlands F
39 Debruin/Barbaramaria Mrs Netherlands F
40 Dehaan/Johanna Mrs Netherlands F
41 Dejong/Annetje Mrs Netherlands F
42 Dekuijer/Pim Wilhelm Mr Netherlands M
43 Deleeuw/Saskia Mrs Netherlands F
44 Derden/Liliane Ms Australia F
45 Deridder/Esther Mrs Netherlands F
46 Deroo/Joopalbert Mr Netherlands M
47 Desadeleer/Christiene Mrs Netherlands F
48 Deschutter/Mariaadriana Mrs Netherlands F
49 Devos/Maarten Mr Netherlands M
50 Devries/Aafke Mrs Netherlands F
51 Dewa/Shaliza Zaini Ms Malaysia F
52 Dewaal/Esther Mrs Netherlands F
53 Djodikromo/Donny Toekiran Mr Netherlands M
54 Dyczynski/Fatima Miss German F
55 Engels/Lisanne Laura Miss Netherlands F
56 Ernst/Tamara Ms Netherlands F
57 Essers/Emma Mrs Netherlands F
58 Essers/Peter Mr Netherlands M
59 Essers/Valentijn Mr Netherlands M
60 Fan/Shun Po Mr Netherlands M
61 Foo/Ming Lee Mr Malaysia M
62 Fredriksz/Bryce Mr Netherlands M
63 Gazalee/Ariza Binti Ms Malaysia F
64 Gianotten/Angelique Mrs Netherlands F
65 Goes/Kaelamayajay Mstr Malaysia M
66 Goes/Paul Mr Netherlands M
67 Grippeling/Marco Mr Netherlands M
68 Grootscholten/Wilhelmus Mr Netherlands M
69 Guard/Jillhelen Mrs Australia F
70 Guard/Roger Watson Dr Australia M
71 Gunawan/Darryl Mr Philippines M
72 Gunawan/Hadiono Mr Indonesia M
73 Gunawan/Irene Mrs Philippines F
74 Gunawan/Sherryl Ms Philippines F
75 Hakse/Annemieke Mrs Netherlands F
76 Hally/Davy Joseph Gerardus Ma Netherlands M
77 Hally/Megan Netherlands F
78 Hastini/Yuli Mrs Indonesia F
79 Heemskerk/Geertruida Mrs Netherlands F
80 Heerkens/Lidwina Mrs Netherlands F
81 Hemelrijk/Robin Mr Netherlands M
82 Hendry/Mr Indonesia M
83 Hijmans/Susan Mrs Netherlands F
84 Hoare/Andrew Mr United Kingdom M
85 Hoare/Friso Mr Netherlands M
86 Hoare/Jasper Mr Netherlands M
87 Hoonakker/Katharina Mrs Netherlands F
88 Horder/Howard Mr Australia M
89 Horder/Susan Mrs Australia F
90 Hornikx/Astrid Mrs Netherlands F
91 Huijbers/Pieter Jan Willem Netherlands M
92 Huizen/Arnoud Mr Netherlands M
93 Huizen/Yelena/Clarice Mstr Indonesia F
94 Huntjens/Maria Mrs Netherlands F
95 Ioppa/Olga Mrs German F
96 Janssen/Cornelia Mrs Netherlands F
97 Jesurun/Kevin Mr Netherlands M
98 Jhinkoe/Rishi Mr Netherlands M
99 Jiee/Tambi Bin Mr Malaysia M
100 Jretnam/Subashni Mrs Malaysia F
101 Kamsma/Mattheus Mr Netherlands M
102 Kamsma/Qiu Mstr Netherlands M
103 Kappen/Yvonne Mrs Netherlands F
104 Kardia/Vickiline Kurniati Mrs Indonesia F
105 Karnailsingh/Karamjitsingh Mr Malaysia M
106 Keijzer/Karlijn Mrs Netherlands F
107 Kooijmans/Barry Mr Netherlands M
108 Kooijmans/Isa Miss Netherlands F
109 Kooijmans/Mira Mrs Netherlands F
110 Kotte/Oscar Mr Netherlands M
111 Kotte/Remco Mr Netherlands M
112 Kroon/Hendrikrokus Mr Netherlands M
113 Lahaye/Johannes Mr Netherlands M
114 Lahenda/Gerda Leliana Ms Indonesia F
115 Lambregts/Hubertus Mr Netherlands M
116 Lange/Joseph Mr Netherlands M
117 Lauschet/Gabriele Ms German F
118 Lee/Jianhanbenjamin Mstr Malaysia M
119 Lee/Kiah Yeen Ms Malaysia F
120 Lee/Mona Cheng Sim Mrs Australia F
121 Lee/Why Keong Mr Australia M
122 Liew/Yau Chee Mr Malaysia M
123 Loh/Yanhwa Mrs Netherlands F
124 Maas/Henricus Mr Netherlands M
125 Mahady/Edel Mrs Australia F
126 Mahler/Emiel Mr Netherlands M
127 Marckelbach/Lisa Mrs Netherlands F
128 Martens/Elizabeth Mrs Netherlands F
129 Martens/Sandra Mrs Netherlands F
130 Maslin/Evie Coco Anne Miss Australia F
131 Maslin/Mo Robert Anderson Mr Australia M
132 Maslin/Otis Samuel Frederick Mstr Australia M
133 Mastenbroek/Tina Pauline Mrs Netherlands F
134 Mayne/Richard Mr United Kingdom M
135 Mdsalim/Mohdalibin Mr Malaysia M
136 Meijer/Ingrid Mrs Netherlands F
137 Meijer/Sascha Mrs Netherlands F
138 Menke/Gerardus Mr Netherlands M
139 Menke/Mary Mrs New Zealand F
140 Meuleman/Hannah Sophia Netherlands F
141 Misran/Anelene Rostijem Ms Netherlands F
142 Moors/Augustinus Mr Netherlands M
143 Mula/Melinganak Malaysia M
144 Nelissen/Johanna Mrs Netherlands F
145 Ng/Lyetielisabeth Ms Malaysia F
146 Ng/Qingzheng Mr Malaysia M
147 Ng/Shiing Mrs Malaysia F
148 Nguyen/Ngocminh Mrs Netherlands F
149 Nieburg/Tim Mr Netherlands M
150 Nieveen/Dafne Mrs Netherlands F
151 Niewold/Tallanderfranciscus Mr Netherlands M
152 Noor/Rahimmah Mrs Malaysia F
153 Noreilde/Jan Mr Belgium M
154 Noreilde/Steven Mr Belgium M
155 Norris/Nicoll Charles Anderson Mr Australia M
156 Nuesink/Jolette Mrs Netherlands F
157 Obrien/Jack Samuel Mr Australia M
158 Oehlers/Daisy Mrs Netherlands F
159 Oreshkin/Victor Mr Australia M
160 Ottochian/Julian Mstr Netherlands M
161 Ottochian/Sergio Mr Netherlands M
162 Palm/Lubberta Mrs Netherlands F
163 Panduwinata/Miguel G Mstr Netherlands M
164 Panduwinata/Shaka T Mr Netherlands M
165 Parlan/Hasni Hardi Bin Mr Malaysia M
166 Paulissen/Johnny Mr Netherlands M
167 Paulissen/Martin Mr Netherlands M
168 Paulissen/Sri Miss Netherlands F
169 Pijnenburg/Sjors Adrianus Mr Netherlands M
170 Ploeg/Alex Mr Netherlands M
171 Ploeg/Robert Mr Netherlands M
172 Pocock/Benjamin Mr United Kingdom M
173 Punjabi/Kaushalya Jairamdas Datin Malaysia F
174 Raap/Hielkje Ms Netherlands F
175 Renkers/Jeroen Mr Netherlands M
176 Renkers/Tim Mr Netherlands M
177 Risah/Daisy Mrs Netherlands F
178 Rizk/Albert Mr Australia M
179 Rizk/Maree Mrs Australia F
180 Ruijter/Catharina Mrs Netherlands F
181 Ryder/Arjen Mr Australia M
182 Ryder/Yvonne Mrs Australia F
183 Schansman/Quinn Mr Netherlands M
184 Schilder/Cornelis Mr Netherlands M
185 Schuyesmans/Rik Mr Belgium M
186 Sidelik/Helena Ms Australia F
187 Sitiamirah/Bintiparawira Mrs Malaysia F
188 Sivagnanam/Matthew Ezekial Master Malaysia M
189 Sivagnanam/Paul Rajasingam Mr Malaysia M
190 Slok/Gary Mr Netherlands M
191 Smallenburg/Carlijn Mrs Netherlands F
192 Smallenburg/Charles Mr Netherlands M
193 Smallenburg/Werther Mstr Netherlands M
194 Smolders/Maria Mrs Netherlands F
195 Soetjipto/Jane M Adi Mrs Indonesia F
196 Souren/Peter Mr Netherlands M
197 Specken/Reinmar Mr Netherlands M
198 Stuiver/Cornelia Mrs Netherlands F
199 Sujana/Wayan Mr Indonesia M
200 Supartini/Mrs Indonesia F
201 Sweeney/Liam Mr United Kingdom M
202 Tambi/Muhammad Afif Bin Mr Malaysia M
203 Tamtelahitu/Charleselizadavid Mr Netherlands M
204 Tan/Siew Poh Mdm Malaysia F
205 Teoh/Elaine Miss Malaysia F
206 Theistiasih/Yodricunda Mrs Indonesia F
207 Thomas/Glennraymond Mr United Kingdom M
208 Tiernan/Mary Ms Australia F
209 Timmers/Gerardus Mr Netherlands M
210 Tol/Cornelia Mrs Netherlands F
211 Tournier/Hendrikjan Mr Netherlands M
212 Trugg/Liv Miss Netherlands F
213 Trugg/Remco Mr Netherlands M
214 Trugg/Tess Miss Netherlands F
215 Uijterlinde/Thamsanqa Mr Netherlands M
216 Vandekraats/Lorenzo Mr Netherlands M
217 Vandekraats/Robertjan Mr Netherlands M
218 Vandemortel/Jeroen Mr Netherlands M
219 Vandemortel/Milia Miss Netherlands F
220 Vandenhende/Johannes Rudolfus Mr Netherlands M
221 Vandenhende/Margaux Larissa Mstr Netherlands F
222 Vandenhende/Marnix Reduan Mr Netherlands M
223 Vandenhende/Piers Adnan Mr Netherlands M
224 Vandenschoor/Christina Anna Elisa Ms Netherlands F
225 Vandergraaff/Laurens Mr Netherlands M
226 Vanderleij/Jennifer Mrs Netherlands F
227 Vanderlinde/Mark Mr Netherlands M
228 Vanderlinde/Merel Mrs Netherlands F
229 Vanderlinde/Robert Mr Netherlands M
230 Vandermeer/Bente Miss Netherlands F
231 Vandermeer/Fleur Miss Netherlands F
232 Vandermeer/Sophie Mrs Netherlands F
233 Vanderpoel/Ericus Mr Netherlands M
234 Vandersande/Paulus Mr Netherlands M
235 Vandersande/Steven Mr Netherlands M
236 Vandersande/Tessa Mrs Netherlands F
237 Vandersar/Inge Mrs Netherlands F
238 Vandersteen/Jan Mr Netherlands M
239 Vanderweide/Frank Mr Netherlands M
240 Vandoorn/April Mrs Netherlands F
241 Vandoorn/Caroline Mrs Netherlands F
242 Vanduijn/Gijsbert Mr Netherlands M
243 Vaneldijk/Petronella Mrs Netherlands F
244 Vangeene/Rene Mr Netherlands M
245 Vanheijningen/Erik Peter Mr Netherlands M
246 Vanheijningen/Zeger Leonard Mr Netherlands M
247 Vankeulen/Allard Mr Netherlands M
248 Vankeulen/Jeroen Mr Netherlands M
249 Vankeulen/Robert Mr Netherlands M
250 Vanlangeveld/Petra Mrs Netherlands F
251 Vanluik/Klaas Willem Mr Netherlands M
252 Vanmens/Luciepaulamaria Ms Netherlands F
253 Vanmuijlwijk/Adinda Larasati Putri Ms Netherlands F
254 Vanmuijlwijk/Emile Mr Netherlands M
255 Vannielen/Stefan F W Mr Netherlands M
256 Vantongeren/Jacqueline Mrs Netherlands F
257 Vanveldhuizen/Anthonius Mr Netherlands M
258 Vanveldhuizen/Pijke Mstr Netherlands M
259 Vanveldhuizen/Quint Mstr Netherlands M
260 Vanvreeswijk/Huub Mr Netherlands M
261 Vanwiggen/Winneke Mrs Netherlands F
262 Vanzijtveld/Frederique Mrs Netherlands F
263 Vanzijtveld/Robertjan Mr Netherlands M
264 Verhaegh/Kim Elisa Petronella Netherlands F
265 Vermeulen/Marie Mrs Netherlands F
266 Vleesenbeek/Erik Mr Netherlands M
267 Voorham/Cornelia Mrs Netherlands F
268 Vorsselman/Wouter Mr Netherlands M
269 Vranckx/Eline Mrs Netherlands F
270 Wagemans/Hendrik Mr Netherlands M
271 Wals/Amel Mrs Netherlands F
272 Wals/Brett Mr Netherlands M
273 Wals/Jeroen Mr Netherlands M
274 Wals/Jinte Mrs Netherlands F
275 Wals/Solenn Miss Netherlands F
276 Wels/Leonardus Mr Netherlands M
277 Wels/Sem Mstr Netherlands M
278 Westerveld/Ineke Mrs Netherlands F
279 Wiartini/Ketut Mrs Indonesia F
280 Witteveen/Marit Mrs Netherlands F
281 Witteveen/Willem Mr Netherlands M
282 Yuriani/Ninik Mrs Indonesia F
283 Zantkuijl/Desiree Mrs Netherlands F
The list of crewmembers is organized by rank and lists each crewmember's name, nationality and gender.
1 Captain Wan Amran Bin Wan Hussin Malaysia M
2 Captain Eugene Choo Jin Leong Malaysia M
3 First Officer Ahmad Hakimi Bin Hanapi Malaysia M
4 First Officer Muhamad Firdaus Bin Abdul Rahim Malaysia M
5 In-Flight Supervisor Mohd Ghafar Bin Abu Bakar Malaysia M
6 Chief Stewardess Dora Shahila Binti Kassim Malaysia F
7 Chief Stewardess Azrina Binti Yakob Malaysia F
8 Leading Stewardess Lee Hui Pin Malaysia F
9 Leading Stewardess Mastura Binti Mustafa Malaysia F
10 Flight Stewardess Chong Yee Pheng Malaysia F
11 Flight Steward Shaikh Mohd Noor Bin Mahmood Malaysia M
12 Flight Steward Sanjid Singh Sandhu Malaysia M
13 Flight Stewardess Hamfazlin Sham Binti Mohamedarifin Malaysia F
14 Flight Stewardess Nur Shazana Binti Mohamed Salleh Malaysia F
15 Flight Stewardess Angeline Premila Rajandaran Malaysia F

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