Thursday, 26 February 2015

Nigeria's Transition: Buhari's speech at the Chatham House

Finally the Chatham speech. It is a long one, the beginning is a bit of history and the election in the eye of the world. When you go way down, from where Nigeria is mentioned as been in the 4th republic the main story starts there. I highlighted some parts to help your reading. Below is the Speech...

Permit me to start by thanking Chatham House for the invitation to talk about this important topic at this crucial time. When speaking about Nigeria overseas, I normally prefer to be my country’s public relations and marketing officer, extolling her virtues and hoping to attract investments and tourists. But as we all know, Nigeria is now battling with many challenges, and if I refer to them, I do so only to impress on our friends in the United Kingdom that we are quite aware of our shortcomings and are doing our best to address them.

The 2015 general election in Nigeria is generating a lot of interests within and outside the country. This is understandable. Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country and largest economy, is at a defining moment, a moment that has great implications beyond the democratic project and beyond the borders of my dear country.

So let me say upfront that the global interest in Nigeria’s landmark election is not misplaced at all and indeed should be commended; for this is an election that has serious import for the world. I urge the international community to continue to focus on Nigeria at this very critical moment. Given increasing global linkages, it is in our collective interests that the postponed elections should hold on the rescheduled dates; that they should be free and fair; that their outcomes should be respected by all parties; and that any form of extension, under whichever guise, is unconstitutional and will not be tolerated. Continue.....

Why Siblings Fight(and Why we All Fight Like Siblings)

siblings fight

Remember that moment when you fight with your siblings and then you both start crying blaming each other for being wrong. Dr Kelly in this article tell us why we fight like siblings and what we are competing for. Enjoy it...

Siblings fight because they assume love is a limited resource. They assume they have to compete for caring. In other words, siblings are just like the rest of us.
I was brutal to my siblings.

I beat up on my little brother’s shoulder and I beat up on my little sister’s heart. When we were all grown and had gone our separate ways, I realized what I’d done, and I started to beat up on myself. I felt guilty about being a bully and sad about the lost opportunity to be their friend.

Even after they accepted my apology, I couldn’t forgive myself.
So, instead, I decided to redeem it. By cultivating a sense of companionship amongst my own children. It seemed simple enough. But encouraging mutuality and tenderness between siblings is way easier said than done. Siblings swing quickly upon a pendulum from caring for each other to competing with each other.

What are they constantly competing for?

They assume it’s a limited resource.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Opinion: Another Boy with no Shoes.

 Photo Credit: Google

When I sat down close to him I knew he was just boy, just like many others I have seen en-route my journey home.
When I got into the car, I could tell he was looking at me and I turned to stare at him but he was looking downwards timidly.  As is typical of me,  I like to poke nose into matters wey no concern me.
So I thought of engaging him, I asked him for the wrestling cds he was holding so I could look at the cover pack. I began to ask him the names of the wrestlers on the cover page, he answered them accurately. Well, I can't remember all the names but he mentioned a "Hawk or Shawn", I suppose. After the wrestling friendliness, I asked him my first question.
Do you prefer what you are doing? I asked, he ignored me stared downwards and I asked my question again, Do you prefer what you are doing?
No, he answered.
I asked him a second question, who do you stay with here in Lagos? 
My Uncle, He said.

 I could see the pain in his face as his fair skin turned red in colour, he couldn't look at me so that I don't see that which is in his eyes. We took the questions bit by bit in my local dialect(Igbo) his English was very poor.
The boy was barely 14years old and seemed very acquainted with Lagos which means he has been around for a year or more.

American Missionary kidnapped in Kogi State, Kidnappers demand 60 million Naira

Phyllis Sortor
Phyllis Sortor, an American missionary has being kidnapped from her work place in Kogi state.

Rev. Phyllis works with the Free Methodist Church at
Hope Academy a school in Emiworo village in Kogi state. She was kidnapped on Monday morning by 10:00am in the school premises amidst Sporadic shootings by the gang to scare away staff and children.

The Kogi State Police PR officer Sola Adebayo, said the kidnap was well-planned, disclosing that the kidnappers escaped with their target by scaling the fence of the school, the same route through which they entered the premises.

The Kidnappers are said to be demanding a ransom of 60 million Naira ($301,500).

Nigerian Woman and Activist Wins Japanese Peace Prize Worth $170,000

A Nigerian woman, Esther Ibanga, who has campaigned against Islamist extremists Boko Haram was on Tuesday awarded a Japanese peace prize worth $170 000.
Esther Ibanga, a pastor and activist in Nigeria, has kept up a vocal protest against the kidnappings that Boko Haram has made almost routine, the Niwano Peace Foundation said.

Today's Inspiration: Live, Live and Live

Live Life like today is all you have.
There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.
- Albert Einstein

Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...
It's about learning how to dance in the rain.
- Vivian Greene

Powerful Dreams Inspire Powerful Action.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Always be a first-rate version of yourself,
instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.
- Judy Garland

Play with life,
laugh with life,
dance lightly with life,
and smile at the riddles of life,
knowing that life's only true lessons are writ small in the margin.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Courage is the power to let go of the familiar.
- Raymond Lindquist

Don't Take Anything Personally.
Nothing others do is because of you.
- Miguel Angel Ruiz (don Miguel Ruiz)


Do share the post. A share A kiss, lols. Good Morning

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Another Bomb blast in kano state.Pictures

Another bomb blast today in kano state. This happened, this afternoon at the Karota motorpark in Kofa-Nassarawa in Kano state. many people were killed and body parts all over the place. See more pics below, but its not nice ooo....

3 British Girls Leave Home to Join ISIS in Syria.

A week ago three British school girls packed their bags and left hom to join ISIS group. The three teenage girls named Kadiza Sultana, 16, Shamima Begum, 15, and Amira Abase, 15, are three friends from East London’s Bethnal Green left their by 8:00am local time, to board a Turkish flight. The girls are suspected to be enroute Syria to join ISIL.

Reports says "British Jihad Brides" are being groomed on line , being brainwashed on Twitter and are asked to contact the Islamic state through a programme called Surespot.

According to dailymail,
The app – run by privacy and drug legalisation campaigners in Colorado – is designed so messages are totally encrypted and cannot be intercepted by authorities.
When messages are deleted by the IS member, they automatically also erase from the phones used by the British teenagers so no trace of the incriminating conversation is left. 
Surespot’s owners, who have made an estimated £140,000 in revenue since it launched in 2013, insist it is protecting an ‘essential liberty’ and has no responsibility to stand in the way of IS. Continue to read more....

News Alert: Another Suicide attack In Potsikum, Yobe State, 10 dead.

Barely three days after the last attack in Potiskum, another suicide bomber has detonated another IED bomb in Yobe state, today. The bus park in Potsikum  was said to be targeted. 10 people are reportedly dead at the moment.
More details later.

Photos/Video: Boko Haram disguised as women, Baga recaptured

The Nigerian Military Yesterday released a statement saying some members of the sect are seen disguising themselves as women. This findings were made during the re-capture of the Baga town in Borno State. The military started its airstrikes in Sambisa, Gwoza and Bama were the Boko Haram targets have been Identified. Also arms were recovered during the bombardment. See statement below..

"The cordon and search in Baga has revealed some terrorists disguising as women. The searches are also yielding more discoveries of arms especially bombs hidden in various locations, especially Baga town. Apart from those captured in the course of fighting, many arrests of terrorists hiding in the town are being made and troops are still busy interrogating the suspects. See more Photos below...

Should Military be Deployed for the 2015 Elections?: Prof. Odinkalu Supports Troops Deployment For 2015 Elections

There has been so much debate about the deployment of soldiers for the 2015 general elections. In light of this issue the  Chairman of the National  Human Rights Commission, Prof. Chidi Odinkalu has supported the governments decision for the troops to man the forth coming elections.
Prof Chidi in an interview stated that Nigeria is at war which justifies the governments action according to the Geneva Convention.
Prof Chidi stated that even he will not vote if their are no soldiers on the streets.
Listen to the Video and share your thoughts.

WTF: Faithful in Little Things.

Faithful in little things
The little stones of life are what grew into big rocks but with persistence and faithfulness. Everyone who grew so big were really small but kept working had to see their dreams come through.
In our present day, young people want to get it quick(Sharp Sharp), it is okay to want that but you got to steal. We are not in the days where manner falls from heaven, you have to work.

Her name is Shirley, I was quite younger when I met her for the first time. She was a neighbor, lived in a rented apartment. She was schooled, studied Business Administration. But the no job situation in made her gather some money, which she invested into a cosmetic business. She was dedicated to it, preserved and faithful in what she was doing. Ten years down this road, she has her own cosmetic empire, has her own house in Lagos and one in her home town, happily married and successful.

Shirley is every young person who believes in hard work an if you preserve you will be at the top of your game. Everything starts small then becomes big. Be faithful in the little things you start with work hard in it and you will thrive.

Dreams are the ways of mere men. Dreams and work are the ways of Extra-ordinary men.

Good Morning, R101 Readers. Have a Fine Day. Jesus Loves you

Photo Credit: Google
Source: Onyinnye

Monday, 23 February 2015

A Mother of two was dumped on facebook after spending 7000Pounds on Tunsia Toyboy

'I couldn't stand the thought of not speaking to him, so pretty soon I was giving him £70 a fortnight out of my benefits,' she explained.
'He thought I was rich, but I kept telling him it meant I had to go without. I had to bulk buy discount food and often skip meals. But at the end of the day he was going to be my husband, so what was mine was his.

Tracey Jackson, a mother-of-two discovered that her Tunisian fiancé had wed another woman when he posted his marriage certificate on Facebook.
Tracey met Atef Khadhraoui, 20 years her junior, on a social networking website. Over the next four years the 48-year-old lavished the 28-year-old with gifts and cash.

However, Tracey was left heartbroken when she discovered that he chose to repay her by marrying another woman – and not telling her.

Tracey from Rhyl, Wales, believes he must have used some of her money to fund the secret nuptials with his new wife, although he denies this claim.

She says that funding his lifestyle has left her struggling to manage financially. 
'I'm convinced he must have spent at least some of my money marrying the other woman. He broke my heart and my bank balance. I'm left in crippling debt from loans.'

Tracey first met Atef after messaging him on the dating website, Tagged, in 2009. The couple then began speaking on Skype every night.
'He begged me to go out and see him,' Tracey said. 'But because of a hernia in my bowel, I can't work and receive disability allowance.

See Daily Sun's Front Page Today: Fayose Celebrates Obasanjo's Exit from PDP

Is this Supposed to be on the front Page. What do you think?

WFT: We are Stronger Than We Think

If we believe we can exhibit strength in more ways than we can Imagine~Onyinnye

A little boy went to the fair with his dad and saw an inflatable clown sporting a sign that read, "Try to knock me down." He hit it, he slapped it, he pushed it – he struck it again and again, and the harder he hit, the quicker it seemed to bounce back up. No matter how hard he tried, it just would not stay down. His father watched as the boy punched the clown until he finally interrupted and asked, "How is it possible for the clown to keep standing back up, no matter how hard you hit it?"

The child scratched his head and said, "Dad, I think this clown is standing up on the inside."

Did you know that each of us has the ability to stand up on the inside? Let me explain.  Continue.....

Friday, 20 February 2015

Nigerian Minister Weeps after seeing the Destruction in Adamawa State.

The Minister of Youth Development and former Governor of Adamawa state Boni Haruna wept bitterly when he saw the damages done in Adamawa State. The Minister was part of the Federal delegation sent to have a first hand inspection of the damages done in the recaptured villages in Adamawa state. He was moved by the after effect of the Boko Haram attacks. See more pictures below.....

Setting Boundaries By Charly Boy(Must Read)

Boldly displayed in front of my house is this signage: We Shoot To Kill. Trespassers Will Be Violated.

Why this provocative warning? Many may wonder, perhaps many more are careful to hang around my property, before they get shot for loitering, for nothing. Well, just putting people on notice that I will violently defend my territory at all times; just like the dog and animals generally, pee on objects to mark their boundaries/territories. Yes, I don mark my territory be dat, no messing around.

 Though I have not shot anyone yet, I will not hesitate to use extreme violence in defending my territory if push comes to shove. Yes, I will shoot to kill first, then ask questions later. Yesooo.
When there is heavy rainfall, we need umbrella; when our homes are dirty we need broom to sweep off the dirt, and when there is unfettered increase in crime/violence, we need weapons to defend and protect us and our loved ones at all times.

We all should know that we have a right to do so; and that we not only have the right, but also the duty to take responsibility for how we allow others to treat us.

We need to be able to tell people when they act in ways that are not acceptable to us; to either shape up or you trash them. Yes, like dorty.  Continue below...

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Former Jailed Aljazeera Journalist awarded British Journalism Prize

The three Aljazeera Journalists who were recently released from the Egyptian prison have bagged a prestigious British journalism award.
The Royal Television Society awarded the trio Peter Greste, Baher Mohamed and Mohamed Fahmy in recognition of an outstanding contribution to the advancement of television journalism.
Though Mohamed and Fahmy could not attend because of their bail conditions. Peter Greste who was there to represent the trio on Wednesday night said;

"I'd be willing to bet this award that journalists have never united around a single common cause in the way that they have ours. I know how important it has been.

"For us, in prison of course we knew a bit about it. We were aware of some of the demonstrations; we'd heard about the zip-the-lips campaign and the letters.

"At the personal level, it was hugely empowering. It helped put rods of steal into our spines, because we came to understand that this was about something far bigger than the three of us alone. It was about the universal principles of freedom of expression, about the public's right to know. And we knew you were right there with us."

Congratulations to them.

Ladies will you Propose to him? Lady Proposes to BoyFriend-Pictures

This lady proposed to her man. I heard it happened somewhere in Nigeria(I am not sure). She took a bold step though. Single ladies can you ask him to marry you? Men how would you feel if she proposes to you?

Graphic Photos: Unknown woman Found dead after Valentine's Day

 An Unknown young lady was found naked and dead in Aboh Mbaise local government.
The people of Umunneato community were awakened by the nude corpse after the Valentine's day. The corpse appear to have been brutally raped but no part seem to be missing from the body.
Continue to see graphic photos: