Monday, 3 November 2014

Word For Today...Forgiveness Part 1

There are actions and mistakes we have termed unforgivable. Are their crimes, hurts, mistakes that are unforgivable?

Every crime is forgivable, no matter how heinous these acts were. The process of grieving and forgiving certainly is not an easy one but when you get to the state of forgiveness you will realize it is better than the state of unforgiveness. A couple of years ago I battled with unforgiveness, it was a really heavy experience and i tried to set myself free from it. It was not an easy road but through prayers and acceptance of my own mistake I was able to overcome.

Unforgiveness is like a truck of gravel in your heart. When we do not forgive our heart stays weighty. When you see the person involved you put an extra effort in showing your disdain for their personality, you put an extra effort in frowning which causes wrinkles. When you stay unforgiven to someone who has hurt you, you don't hold that individual in bondage, you also hold yourself in bondage. You are a prisoner to your own-self.

Forgiveness is a Journey to freedom of the soul and the heart from every pain and hurt. Forgiveness is a state where you are stronger. Forgiveness is an instrument of Love.
No matter how much you have been hurt by family, friends, love, it is possible to forgive.Forgive them in all totality, I am not talking about denial. There are some people who deny been hurt when things happen to them, weeks or months after the Incident they break down again. Do not deny the pain you feel, feel it, embrace it, cry it out.

Why should I forgive?
 I should forgive because I am not better than the accused. We need to understand that as humans we are not infallible, we make mistakes, we not perfect on that note we should forgive. The fact that i could commit the same crime to another individual should inspire forgiveness. We should forgive because we set ourselves free and experience the peace the creator has given us. We should forgive because he command us to forgive 70X70 times for each day, and that cannot be exhausted even in a week. Always remember that Christ forgives us, so we should Forgive.

A respected leader Mahatma Gandhi says, "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong". If you meet someone who cannot forgive that someone cannot love."Whoever lacks the power to Forgive, Lacks the Power to Love". "There is no Peace without Forgiveness". Forgiveness is the Final Form Of Love"

Today forgive someone and forgive yourself.
If you find it hard to forgive, seek the Lord for Guidance.
Or you can mail me for questions or opinions.

Have a lovely week.

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